= nikkimountain: This is my daily prayer....This is why I love Leonard Cohen, for this very poem which I have read and found solace in durng my darkest hours.-
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Monday, June 13, 2005

This is my daily prayer....This is why I love Leonard Cohen, for this very poem which I have read and found solace in durng my darkest hours.-

" BLESSED ARE YOU WHO, among the numberless swept away in terror, permitted a few to suffer carefully. Who put a curtain over a house so that few could lower their eyes. Blessed be Ishamel, who taught us how to cover ourselves. Blessed are you who dressed the shivering spirit in a skin. Who made a fence of changing stars around your wisdom. Blessed be the teacher of my heart, on his throne of patience. Blessed are you who circled desire with a blade, and the garden with firey swords, and heaven and earth with a word. Who, in the terrible inferno, sheltered understanding, and keeps her still, beautiful and deeply concealed. Blessed are you who sweetens the longing between us. BLESSED BE YOU WHO BINDS THE ARM TO THE HEART, AND THE WILL TO THE WILL. Who has written a name on a gate that she might find it, and come into my room. Who defends a heart with strangerhood. Blessed are you who sealed a house with weeping. Blessed be Ishamel for all time, who covered his face with the wilderness, and came to you in darkness. Blessed be the covenant of love between what is hidden and what is revealed. I was like one who had never been caressed, when you touched me from a place in your name, and dressed the wound of ignorance with mercy. Blessed is the covenant of love, the covenant of mercy, useless light behind the terror, deathless song in the house of night." Leonard Cohen- Book Of Mercy.


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