Its a beautiful day......dont let it get away.....
Well, I have been somewhat neglegent in my posting lately. So I thought I would drop a few lines this am. These blogs are highly narcissistic ( and I am not looking up the spelling on that one) Who in the hell do us bloggers think we are to actually assume anyone gives a shit about our lives??? Anyway, let me bask in my arrogance for just a moment. Humor me. So whats on my mind?? Well I have been asking myself for a long time "what do I want"??? The million dollar question. How is it that I expect to get what I want when I dont even know what exactly that is? Okay everyone says " I just want to be happy" How repulsively cliche. What the hell is happiness?? Happiness is a matter of perception. Whenever someone asks me "what is happiness to you?" I have caught myself replying with the same cliche lines as the next guy. But look deeper for a moment. Take some time to sit there in the dark, in the quiet, be still and think about it. WHAT DO I WANT?!!!! When you have figured out the answer, move on to the next question "HOW DO I GET IT" when you figure that out...move on to question number three, "HOW DO I KEEP IT"? And after all of this is done and your sitting there with all that you thought you wanted ( if you dare be so lucky) ...then comes question number four "NOW THAT I HAVE WHAT I WANT DO I STILL WANT IT???? For me the answer would inevitably be "NO" I mean I am never anyone? What fun would life be if we had all that we wanted?? Where would our dreams then be? The best part about life is what we imagine it could be. The greatest gift we were given was imagination.Life is a big fat joke, Im telling you. God must have no time to do anything but laugh.. The only thing we need to do is learn to be good. I know, easier said then done and im living proof..however, at the end of the journey the only thing you take and the only thing you will leave behind is your integrity. And how ironic?? Don't we all know just too well, how utterly challenging it is to live this life resisting the temptations that compromise our integrity? My conclusion, He who reaches his last day with his integrity intact has beaten the world at its own that's success....
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